Although you got smurf'd again, the important thing is that your lads stood tall (though, honestly, compared to a smurf!), and you weren't blue out.
So now that it's the offseason, are you going to do the right thing by America and get some Americans on your roster?
I have to say.... Well, really I don't "have" to say anything at all. It is more of a case of I "want" to say. But then it occurs to me that those who want to read this thread may not want to read what I want or have to say at all. However, posting here would force those who "want" to read this thread to "have" to read what I just "wanted" to say. In the end, I forget what I "wanted" or "had" to say in the first place. Therefore, I will simply say "Buy American"
You know, I read your post
word-for-word into a tape recorder, not literally of course but the point being I recorded those very utterances in the order in which they were uttered (or, at the very least, in the order they appeared on the screen). When I played the tape backwards, I kid you not, a spectral voice appeared and said: "vote buckeyefan for NT coach!" So, obviously, Paul is dead.