Each of the Div-2 leagues has a demoted from the Div-1 league.
Hence, due to the fact that they are playing the game very long, they are the "wall" that those new users can't pass.
The only chance they have is if that player just left the game.
Then, they will go to the first division, and see what is the real size of a "wall".
Unfortunately this is untrue. I will offer evidence.
evidence to show-
many teams promote out of II.1 into JBBL by beating a demoted team. Teams that get relegated to II.3 or II.4 get a free walk. When the .3 and .4 teams go bot or get banned the extra team to go up is usually the II.2 team, since they play more bots and have an easier schedule.
How is this an evidence that contradicts what I've wrote?
It shows the following (and all of that I've already written):
1) On each of the Div-2 leagues there will be a user from the DIV-1 league (unless retired). Meaning - an old user that any new user that will join any of those leagues will find it "the wall".
2) Putting new users evenly (so on each league on that division there will be the same amount of non-BOT teams) on each of the divisions is a seaparate suggestion.
So is the suggestion to reorder all of the teams on the different leagues on each division at the end of each season.
On the other hand, maybe it should be the other way around!!!
Maybe due to the assets that old users pilled up and due to the incompetitiveness, all of the demoted are needed to be demoted to the same league, and not the other way around.
3) Some bring suggestion not for the benefit of the game, but their own benefit.
In this case, so they will have a safety-net for their "long-term plan" of tanking.
You proposed that old teams demoted from JBBL are what is stopping II.1 teams from promoting.
Yes. Still, most of the time, the users that are demoted will be with much more assets than what the new users will have.
It may be less so, at the moment, when JBBL is such small, but for a league just a little bit bigger it will even be much more precise.
PS Please try to work on your English. In only adds to the difficulty in understanding you. certainly doesn't help your arguments when your English is broken.
And again, trying to turn this discussion not on the content but on anything but it...
Last edited by Pini פיני at 3/11/2012 6:11:09 PM