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New Feature: Secondary Staff

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From: capali

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294450.221 in reply to 294450.220
Date: 12/30/2018 4:34:56 PM
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It won't reduce the normal training, it will be extra cross-training pops. Just for example, if you were getting %95 normal training and %5 cross-training, now you can get %95 normal training and %10 cross-training. The numbers are imaginary :D

From: Myles

This Post:
294450.222 in reply to 294450.221
Date: 12/31/2018 12:31:25 AM
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Ok thanks

This Post:
294450.223 in reply to 294450.219
Date: 12/31/2018 7:25:32 AM
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I would assume that's the case because the coefficients were estimated based on a large number of data but I suppose the amount of data with large differences in elastics is more limited.

My trainee had a significant starting difference between DR and HA (HA being the only low initial skill), like 4 or 5 point difference, and HA did not grow nearly as fast as predicted with 1v1 training.

Last edited by Lemonshine at 12/31/2018 7:26:55 AM

From: Barteqr

This Post:
294450.231 in reply to 294450.230
Date: 2/18/2019 12:41:13 PM
Rush Them
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Second Team:
Farm Them
My impression basing on 2 players that had similar skills but were trained by different managers.
Manager A has coach level 6 and no youth coach.
Manager B has coach level 5 and youth coach level 4.

Both players, with similar starting skills and similar training ended up with the same amount of skill advances.
My blind guess would be (assuming each coach level is +3%) that each level of youth coach gives +1% of training.

But as I said, I don't have enough data and this is only my (more or less) blind guess.
