I think Juicepat's post was a joke.
The BB's explicitly told us at least two seasons ago that domestic players would be advantageous to your team. You bought Japan's best player but have since sold him. Whoops. Frydeck didn't buy any domestic players and is now crying about it.
Crying over 45k a week, which is not enough to pay half a week's salary for players on teams like yours and/or BS Crydek, is ridiculous. You grossed roughly 800000 last week. Frydek grossed roughly 700000. I don't think it's that big of a problem, especially in light of two things. A) The developers are trying to create an environment where parity is at least a pipe dream and
your two teams (and I do not mean to lump you into the same category of single-minded whining as we are seeing from Bik_76) are in the top .0006% of the teams which play this game.
I am going to buy a new level 7 PR guy and see how my merchandise sales change. I will report back when I have some tangible data.
Edited to remove poor joke and to adjust month to week.
Last edited by somdetsfinest at 9/23/2009 10:14:46 AM
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.