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Season 27

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256284.226 in reply to 256284.225
Date: 6/17/2014 11:17:32 PM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
May have been a little bit silly but I bid 45 minutes prior to expiry and didn't think I would win.

This Post:
256284.227 in reply to 256284.226
Date: 6/17/2014 11:55:21 PM
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May have been a little bit silly but I bid 45 minutes prior to expiry and didn't think I would win.

Is he going to be lonely or are you going to bring in another couple of other 200K plus players?


Actually going to be an interesting week to see what action occurs on the transfer list.

One would assume that if the Fish were playing anyone else than Dire in his relegation series that he would buy up, but he just maybe a little scared of Dire.

Will Aussie revert to a more conventional line up in his knock out finals game v the Stone Slashers and will the Stone Slashers remember to set his line up?

Can the Ants devour the pancakes in their relegation series?

Will any other play off contenders follow HSDs lead and buy 200k plus a week beasts?

Can Immortals summons the great Allah?

None of the relegation zone teams appear to be liking the idea of demotion, so who will demote?

Will HA choke?

How much has the North Carlton Cavs saved up this season?

Last edited by Sid Vicious at 6/18/2014 12:32:49 AM

This Post:
256284.228 in reply to 256284.227
Date: 6/18/2014 1:29:30 AM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
No, I don't think I will go all in and add any other monsters.

The big question I have is will Pancakes tank his final game allowing Bears to take top spot. I hope not

This Post:
256284.229 in reply to 256284.228
Date: 6/18/2014 2:11:58 AM
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The big question I have is will Pancakes tank his final game allowing Bears to take top spot. I hope no

If I were to play Devils advocate, I reckon from the Pancakes view point his last league game v bears, is a nothing game and that he will be more focused on the relegation series that follows

This Post:
256284.230 in reply to 256284.229
Date: 6/18/2014 4:18:04 AM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
I agree, just hoping he plays his normal team and him playing TIE at home is enough to get the chocolates.

This Post:
256284.231 in reply to 256284.230
Date: 6/19/2014 3:03:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would like to think I have a chance, but I'm also not delusional.
Pancakes are a strong team, 3 players over $200k and they have the ever important HCA.
I will likely relegate, but I will go down swinging.

This Post:
256284.232 in reply to 256284.231
Date: 6/19/2014 3:13:26 AM
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If I can beat him, you can beat him.

I was definitely the underdog when we played in the Cup finals.

This Post:
256284.233 in reply to 256284.232
Date: 6/20/2014 8:46:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Average salaries in the league are currently 753 K despite Koops & Urmummas selling off.

Anyone able to print an update of whos got what salaries?

Expect that a few teams in the relegation zone must have big salaries

This Post:
256284.234 in reply to 256284.233
Date: 6/20/2014 8:56:51 AM
High School Drop-outs
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Pre-school Brawlers
hopelessly addicted 15 $ 1 075 657
Pancakes with Jam and Cream 14 $ 973 988
High School Drop-outs 12 $934,013
That%s How You Get Ants 12 $897,525
Aussie Pride 16 $865,838
Guanzheng Goldfish 23 $861,890
Black Label Society 16 $771,236
BrisvegasSpurs 11 $766,382
Persepolis Immortals 16 $748,855
Yarra Park Bears 14 $732,082
Stone Slashers 11 $668,173
Chelsea Seagulls 17 $659,469
Koopasaurus 11 $,432,813
Urmummas 7 $,351,428
North Carlton Cavaliers 8 $214,478
Home Axis 8 $ 38,359

This Post:
256284.235 in reply to 256284.234
Date: 6/20/2014 9:16:55 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for posting this (plus 1)

Bloody top effort by Seagulls and Stone Slashers who have made finals whilst running with cheap salaries all season.

Knew my salaries were over the top, but gees there are a few other teams up around or over the 900 K mark

From: yodabig

This Post:
256284.236 in reply to 256284.234
Date: 6/21/2014 12:19:55 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Cream v Ants relegation series has the 2nd top salaried team against the 4th.
Goldfish v Society relegation series has the 6th top salaried team against the 7th.
Only three teams in the playoffs figure in the top seven salaries.

Does this seem the wrong way around to everyone else here?

My side has four of the bottom five salaries. The balance has really shifted this season.
