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BB België > Les échos de BuzzerBeater

Les échos de BuzzerBeater

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From: AthrunZala

To: riez
This Post:
132002.23 in reply to 132002.22
Date: 11/18/2011 2:43:05 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
+1 pour la gestion genial!

This Post:
132002.24 in reply to 132002.23
Date: 12/24/2011 11:57:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
oui oui ils l'ont laissé sortir mais j'ai peur que ce n'est pas pour longtemps :/

Avec quelques heures d'avance, le père Noël vient de descendre par la cheminée pour vous apporter un nouveau numéro des Echos tout chaud :

Rendez-vous sur le site web du journal.

A la une de ce numéro : le début de saison inquiétant du FC Tenakha, le PhENONOmène, et bien entendu vos rubriques habituelles. Bref, de quoi vous occuper en attendant le réveillon.
[*] Taille du dossier compressé : 1889 Ko
[*] Taille des fichiers contenus : 2996 Ko
[*] Nombre de pages : 17
[*] Zoom d'affichage recommandé pour la lecture : 75%

Vous pouvez réagir ici.

En attendant, Joyeux Noël à tous !

Last edited by jerome at 12/24/2011 11:59:11 AM

This Post:
132002.25 in reply to 132002.24
Date: 12/24/2011 4:02:53 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Joyeux Noël à toi aussi Jerome et à tout les autres lecteurs! Merci pour une fois de plus une splendid numero!

This Post:
132002.26 in reply to 132002.25
Date: 12/25/2011 5:00:06 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Chouette numéro, en effet !...

This Post:
132002.28 in reply to 132002.27
Date: 12/26/2011 9:08:44 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

This Post:
132002.29 in reply to 132002.27
Date: 12/28/2011 6:04:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Chouette numéro, en effet !...

Et comme tu peux le constater, ils ont autorisé sum_41 à écrire, pour notre plus grand plaisir :D

Par contre ils ne sont pas prêt de le laisser sortir :P


This Post:
132002.30 in reply to 132002.29
Date: 2/22/2012 6:07:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Et voilà ! Un numéro supplémentaire des Échos de BuzzerBeater vient de paraître ! Rendez-vous sur le site web du journal. (

Au menu de cette édition : l'équipe de France si près du Graal, les plus grands losers des managers français de BuzzerBeater, les confidences exclusives de BB-Marin, et bien d'autres choses encore...
► Taille du dossier compressé : 1914 Ko
► Taille des fichiers contenus : 3165 Ko
► Nombre de pages : 28
► Zoom d'affichage recommandé pour la lecture : 75%

BB Belgique en page 23.
Vous pouvez réagir ici : (120744.159). Bonne lecture !

This Post:
132002.31 in reply to 132002.29
Date: 3/2/2012 8:19:25 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi brothers from Belgium....i want to ask you something...i want to find people for if you interrested,just contact me;)....i have a lot interviews with managers from all of the BB World,but i don't have nobody from Belgium....You can see at this link how other interviews looks like....just like i said,send me BB-Mail if you want to say something about this game or about your BB-career so far,exclusivly for my site....

Sorry if i posts this at wrong thread;)...and Mr. GM,this is not a spam,i have a permission from other GM's;)

Best Regards,

Last edited by Владимир Владимирович Путин at 3/11/2013 2:54:08 PM

This Post:
132002.32 in reply to 132002.31
Date: 4/2/2012 6:32:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Hi brothers from Belgium....i want to ask you something...i want to find people for if you interrested,just contact me;)....i have a lot interviews with managers from all of the BB World,but i don't have nobody from Belgium....You can see at this link how other interviews looks like....just like i said,send me BB-Mail if you want to say something about this game or about your BB-career so far,exclusivly for my site....


Sorry if i posts this at wrong thread;)...and Mr. GM,this is not a spam,i have a permission from other GM's;)

Best Regards,

having permission from 'other' GMs doesn't guarantee anything. Anyone can say they have permission from 'other' GMs.

I don't think for these posts you need permission though, there's nothing wrong with it.

For future references however, when you want to post something you have doubts about, it would be best to either get permission from the local forum mods (as it is them moderating the forum), or if you arrange something with GM(s), have that GM contact the local staff so they know about it.

ah, and welcome on the Belgian Forums. ;p

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
132002.33 in reply to 132002.32
Date: 4/2/2012 7:40:57 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I agree with you:)...But I writted that i have permisions just to prevent people to discuss about this,in way is it spam or not;)
And I really speak with several GM's from different countries and they told me that I can do it on this way;))

Anyway,U can delete my previous post because I'm not doing interviews anymore....

Thanx for the welcome:)


Last edited by Владимир Владимирович Путин at 4/2/2012 7:41:19 AM
