Hey would anybody like Buzzerbeater trivia to replace riddles?
And by the way, the new and improved BB-NEWS is most likely soon coming to a newspaper stand near you! It will contain much more than the current issues and will actually be in a magazine format.
-An ask ______ Column , a section where anyone can BB-Mail this later named manager with any questions and the questions along with the answers from this manager will be published. Anyone who wants to fill this role of the question answerer send me a BB-Mail.
-A two minutes on the bench with_______ , basically the same as an interview
-Polls as usual
-BB or Basketball trivia, if you have a good question send it to me via BB-Mail
-Inside The Numbers, a bunch of interesting statistics
And much more
And of coarse I have to give a big thanks to JudgeNik who gave me part of his site to put my mag in.
Also there will be special issues each season:
-A future watch issue, an issue devoted to young talent 18, 19, 20 year olds
-An awards issue, an issue devoted to awards, you the readers will vote!
And much more
Last edited by DonutDunker at 4/22/2010 4:27:46 PM