The fact that last-second fouls happened twice in the same game doesn't mean they happen more times than normal. One game is not a representative sample.
If im posting it, it was because i've seen more than one time this happening. I've observated during this seasons how the game engine works and its more about the lack of common sense of the game engine and about the foul system.
I dont know either if its possible to change on a future this, but the fact is that the game engine that we have now is ok, but if it has a close end sometimes happen things that arent really realistic like in real life.
And look that i was commenting that the foult its commited
without a play thats even harder to imagine, at least i could understand some defender does a foul on a play that its written, but i've seen more times matchs ending with a foul but without a play than a match ending with a play and a foul produced(and the last thing it should be the normal one and not the other '')
The fact is that im just suggesting an idea to change the finals of a match when its close, to give more sense to the game engine :)
Last edited by Marot at 6/15/2010 6:44:17 PM