Hi there. They are not bad, and trainable. However, don't expect to turn them into super stars, because they will have salary cap around 40-50K mark. If you want to train them, I'd advise you to buy another 18yo trainee to be trained with both of them to maximise your training effect and your profit too! I'd suggest you to train :
Season 1: IS (mono role as C) for a whole season - should improve IS significantly (with a bit of ID & JS)
Season 2: ID (mono role as C) for a whole season - should improve ID significantly (with a bit of IS & SB & DRV)
Season 3: SB (mono role as C) until Ma Boon Keng reaches 7 in SB (he should be improving faster because of his height). This should improve their SB significantly (with a bit of ID & REB). If still got time left in the season, then switch to REB training (PF & C roles). REB will also improve a bit of their IS & ID as well.
Season 4: You may continue to train REB to reach to the level you want, then switch to 1-to-1 (playing them as SF/PF) until Omar's JS improve to a satisfactory JS (may be 6?) This training will improve their DRV significantly (with HND, IS & JS).
Season 5: They are getting old and very near their salary cap. You may train their IS/ID to the level you want or they simply stop to improve.
Just my suggestion. Cheers!
Last edited by Ahmoi at 10/7/2010 1:18:01 PM