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3-2 zone

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From: Mr. Glass

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220015.23 in reply to 220015.21
Date: 6/14/2012 3:20:52 PM
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Im surpised you havent figured it out yet.. your team is very very good.

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220015.25 in reply to 220015.22
Date: 6/14/2012 3:55:05 PM
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Funny, cause your own team suffered from playing zone, yet you defend it.

The don't have the skills to play it. Like I said in my earlier post, you guards need to have the ID/SB and your bigs need OD. The only team that I have suffered using zone against, at least in this season, are the Premature Shooters in my league. No one else.

So, you're just guessing? Is it just wishful thinking or something you've read and believed in?

Anyways, from all zone discussions, 3-2 zone appeared to be the most effective one. So, that's why I was surprised at its malfunctioning.
Anything is possible hypothetically, you can say that a right build for m2m is players with legendary OD/ID and so on..
But hey, anyone is free to express their opinion even regarding matters one has no experience of.

From: Big Dogs

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220015.26 in reply to 220015.24
Date: 6/14/2012 3:55:53 PM
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I know what it takes. But i just dont have it at the moment. I focus a lot on training and saving money so the team i got now is not what it will be in the future.

That is my kind of mindset.

This Post:
220015.27 in reply to 220015.25
Date: 6/14/2012 4:02:03 PM
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No, I am not guessing, and this is something that I have read, seen in the viewer, and believe in.

Not trying to start a flame war here, but who are you to say that I have no experience with zones?

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220015.28 in reply to 220015.27
Date: 6/14/2012 5:44:52 PM
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I read your advice, then wanted to see some positive examples of zone, then looked at your play off games.

The main point is 3-2 zone falters, i.e. throws unexpected break downs. And it was news to me, cause I'd only read positive stuff about it.
Even if you think that the positives outweigh the break downs, like Manon, it's helpful if you're aware of them for when you choose this tactic.

As for 2-3 zone, just consider one thing: If you're up with 2 mins left, your opponent start chucking up 3s regardless of his tactics. Against any other tactics (incl.3-2) it takes any chances of come back away, but against 2-3 zone... Well, I actually haven't seen a team playing 2-3 zone leading too many times :)

Last edited by thylacine at 6/14/2012 5:59:55 PM

This Post:
220015.29 in reply to 220015.28
Date: 6/14/2012 6:16:26 PM
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Even if you think that the positives outweigh the break downs, like Manon, it's helpful if you're aware of them for when you choose this tactic.
This, I can agree with.

As for 2-3 zone, just consider one thing: If you're up with 2 mins left, your opponent start chucking up 3s regardless of his tactics. Against any other tactics (incl.3-2) it takes any chances of come back away, but against 2-3 zone... Well, I actually haven't seen a team playing 2-3 zone leading too many times :)
You are both right and wrong. The opponents do start jacking threes, but I have seen some teams in B3 and league level win using 2-3 zone. I'm too lazy to look it up, though.

This Post:
220015.31 in reply to 220015.28
Date: 6/15/2012 3:49:54 AM
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the thing with 2-3 is that you had to be old school with your SF, must dudes play it with a guard like SF who weaken you inside and the 2-3 hurts you outside.

The 3-2 Zone fit better to the normal teams, but imho you don't need special player to play both of this tactics. 1-3-1 is maybe the zone where you should have a special PF.