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Home Country Auction (thread closed)

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268347.23 in reply to 268347.22
Date: 3/24/2015 1:56:24 PM
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If an unwanted message is always considered (and can be reported as) spam, one could argue that messages from NT-coaches is also just that (not that they bother me, but hypothetically). However, to me spam means a message is unrelated, or coming in in too high occurrence.

I would say, in this case, that it is not spam since it is game related. Maybe it is not a wanted message, but that goes for all bad news messages. I think selling a player is a free market and as long as messages do not contain any manager-aimed insults (including racism) and it is not a player who clearly intentionally sends 3 messages in a row to this manager; then I think there is nothing to report. Not spam either.

What had happened to the OP manager also happens in the real world, it is just a psychological game and as long as the message was not send multiple times it is not spam. For that reason, in my opinion, it should be allowed within the rules.

Of course we can argue if this is ethical for everyone. But I don't think in any case this deserves corporal punishment.

Last edited by Bolleboosje at 3/24/2015 1:57:36 PM

From: SpazX

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268347.25 in reply to 268347.1
Date: 3/31/2015 11:37:24 AM
Spazs Ballers
Overall Posts Rated:
That is completely wrong of him/her to do to you.
My team is a United Nations Team itself, got players that are Canadian, American, Greek, Argentinian, etc...
You can bid on whatever player from which country you like this is a WORLDWIDE GAME...
