@ Periwinkle
Trainees are the only thing cheap on the market right now, because of the glut at the start of every season. And you’re right that a draftee can now be
highly profitable. And I think we all agree that one part or another of the economy isn’t working right now. For example:
When an 18 year old with 58 tsp sells for $9.7 million, you have a real indication of why there needs to be a limit on what teams can accumulate.
@ gianloco
Thank you for your rant proving what I said, that you have no idea what I
@ hrudey
Just out of curiousity, what magic wand did he wave that caused prices to escalate so dramatically over the past several years?
Ask him, he’s the one who came right out and said it, although I wouldn’t be surprised if by now he might backtrack and wish he hadn’t been so precipitous. And although you seem to think part of your job as GM is to provoke argument, sorry, I’m not gonna be provoked by you this time, thank you.
Last edited by Mike Franks at 2/21/2016 6:54:19 PM