Off topic; but has the elastic effect changed? I have had a guy double pop 3 times
01/07/2016 Outside Shooting for SG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Jump Range from proficient to prolific.
24/06/2016 Passing for PG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Passing from respectable to strong.
17/06/2016 Outside Shooting for SG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Jump Range from strong to proficient.
10/06/2016 Inside Scoring for C (47 minutes)
↑popped↑ Jump Shot from mediocre to average.
↓dropped↓ Stamina from average to mediocre.
03/06/2016 Outside Shooting for SG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Jump Range from average to strong.
27/05/2016 Rebounding for C / PF (1 minutes)
20/05/2016 One on One for Forwards (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Driving from proficient to prominent.
↑popped↑ Handling from sensational to tremendous.
13/05/2016 Passing for PG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Passing from average to respectable.
06/05/2016 Outside Shooting for SG (48 minutes)
↑popped↑ Jump Range from inept to average.