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Suggestions > Bigger draftpool guarenteed 4/5 potential

Bigger draftpool guarenteed 4/5 potential

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From: lvess
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282644.23 in reply to 282644.19
Date: 12/7/2016 10:51:34 PM
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
Wouldn't bumping the TSP ranges for draftees be an easier path to improve the usability of new draftees?

For example, based on a quick search of the transfer list the frequency of draftee TSP ranges are:

Over 70 TSP = 1% of draftees
60-69 TSP = 15%
50-59 TSP = 25%
40-49 TSP = 35%
Under 40 TSP = 25%

Why not bump these to:

Over 80 TSP = 5% of draftees
70-79 TSP = 15%
60-69 TSP = 25%
50-59 TSP = 35%
40-49 TSP = 20%
Under 40 TSP = 1%

Maybe even increase the max skill level for draftees and make it possible to get a random Proficient (9) rating in draftees.

On average this would add around 10 TSP to every draftee or 1 full season of training.

The higher TSP would make draftees more useful right out of the box. It would help lower level teams be more competitive by getting more skilled player right out of the draft. U21 teams would see a big improvement in a few seasons. After a few years NT's would begin to see an improvement as well.

The extra TSP would, over time, increase the overall skills of the players in the game without changing training speed at all. In fact, the higher initial skills might make 2-position training more viable as the extra starting TSP would balance out the slower training speed over 1-position.

Last edited by lvess at 12/7/2016 10:51:50 PM

From: lvess

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282644.27 in reply to 282644.24
Date: 12/8/2016 9:48:14 AM
Delaware 87ers
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Why would it only be a short term solution? As long as the bump in draftee TSP was permanent and not a onetime thing it would raise the overall skill level of players in the game. How is that a bad thing.

And I would think that it would benefit all leagues, regardless of the number of users, equally.

From: ghunter
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282644.30 in reply to 282644.29
Date: 12/8/2016 10:41:15 AM
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I like the idea of having a normal/Gaussian distribution in terms of potential. As for skill level I would leave it be but increase the amount of trainers on the market. The prices for top level trainers are crazy.

Hopefully having more people with better trainers would increase the amount of talent available

From: lvess

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282644.31 in reply to 282644.29
Date: 12/8/2016 10:57:15 AM
Delaware 87ers
Overall Posts Rated:
I understand that but why is that a bad thing? Especially if it helps new teams competitive sooner and results in more users sticking around.

There are far too many useless high potential players in the game because their initial TSP was so low and/or poorly distributed that they stand no chance of reaching their caps. That shouldn't be the case.
