I feel like your discussion would be more fruitful if it was centered purely around this question.
I agree. We people are tending to slip away from the purpose and the real meaning of a conversation because we like to talk. I do it very often and i know how exhausting can be. So back to the topic.
I agree of setting the real questions and try to find the real and important answers. I also want to add that BB its a game and it can includes "fictional" actions and events, just because BB itself is fictional. And if you try to change something and make it too realistic then there's a chance to make the contrast between realistic and fictional features even wider. And here it comes again... New thread new topic new "fight" of how can we change the rest fictional parts to realistic.
It's possible, it's a decision, yeah it's a decision of changing the hole game, it's gonna last veeeery long and it's gonna need money. But it's a decision that it has to be taken. So let's set the question.
I think it has been already set and it has been already answered.
So in the question of LA-Jeründerbar, i hardly believe that trying to achieve a better experience its not just not bad to have a fictional viewer which is trying to follow the pattern of olay by play, but it's one of the graphic touches that an app game (the browser maybe too) would needed.
Last edited by bobos-re at 10/5/2021 1:58:48 AM