Oj chyba jednak selekcjoner Izraela też nie trzyma ciśnienia (choć mu się nie dziwię w sumie), założył wątek o tym całym "incydencie" na forum trenerów. Oto jego wpis:
Hello all,
I would like a moment of your time in order to tell you about an incident I had during the last NT match..
As you are all aware, there are TIE agreements in this game. There isn’t any rules regarding these agreements, thus it’s perfectly legal to set such an agreement and it’s perfectly legal to break such an agreement as well but I think there is an ethical code to conduct and not to deceive other managers.
I think there is a huge different between breaking such an agreements in a regular leagues/cup game and breaking them in a NT game.
When breaking a TIE agreement in a NT game you are only fooling the NT coach but actually you are fooling a whole community (hundreds/thousands of people) that stands behind their NT.
From my point of view this is an unacceptable behavior. It might not go against to official rules of the game but it goes against the most basic ethics rules.
It’s one thing not to reply to such an agreement, or decaling it, but giving someone a positive answer and then just doing the opposite is just wrong.
I feel we should play this game as fair as possible – and breaking TIE agreements is not the way to do it. Especially not in the NT level.
(http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6532/mailks0.png)(4496)The damage is done – I lost the game and it might prevent my NT from qualifying to the next round.
I hope you wont do the same mistake that I did and trust the Nederland NT coach specifically. I think it’s a good idea that you’ll let everybody else know if you ever suffered from such a case and warn the rest of the NT coaches from unreliable coaches.
Kind regards,