Too bad I was one away from giving you your 1000th ball...
Any who I agree, I was hesitant once I realized just how useless my bigs will be on the offensive end, also that guard was more aimed at SG build which will probably still need a bit more passing anway. My PG will have much more PA, and because of that will probably have to have less JS due to salary concerns.
I´m shocked how few guards there are with this sort of skillset on the TL, and not a single big even came close to the build I have lsited. I feel that if my bigs can pass alright and make a JS here or there it would help a lot, I´ll decide more of this once I actually acquire a trainee or two. Most of this hinges on me getting a season where I´m free to train and not focusing on getting the heck out of D3, we´ll see what happens.