It was pretty clear when HA promoted here that they were a way behind in level and was relying heavily on a 300k C to win matches
As coachnoodles said, you should be able to compete in the ABBL before you get here. I'm not having a go at this seasons crop at all, it just seems to be a strange thing out there of "get to the ABBL at all costs". Why? If you know that the team you have or the team you are building is not good enough for the ABBL, why buy an extra player or two simply to win div2 and promote when it's not going to benefit you long term? Your team plan should have you at the top of your div2 AND improving as part of the natural progression of your team. If you need to 'rent' players and stretch just to win div2 (or any division for that matter) or if you don't have any plans for continued team improvement to start matching the higher division then you're not really ready to promote.
Again, i'm not trying to have a go at this seasons crop or anything, just baffles me when people don't plan ahead in this game. I'll use iwen again. He made a long term plan for continued improvement and stuck with it. He's now in the ABBL and still improving, he'll be one of the stronger teams in the division very soon.
Then you can look at the other side of the coin at someone like zyler who just tries to rent players he thinks will win a promotion then sell, tank etc, never really setting up any team plan for more than that current season and he's about to relegate down to div3 again.