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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

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26712.232 in reply to 26712.231
Date: 3/5/2010 4:36:05 AM
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like i mentioned before i had this problem without close ending, without injuries, without fouling out, with letting the coach strictly follow depthchart and the right amount of players. this happend three times this season. (two times at pf and in last weeks scrimmage at pg)

sometimes its just weird.

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26712.233 in reply to 26712.232
Date: 3/5/2010 8:50:03 AM
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I think this training fuss was created by the close game. Do you actually watch all your scrimmages? What is a close game? You lose by 5?10? what?, Even if you lose by 18 it could have been a close game. I don't know about all those 3 but this one seems to be the close ending overrule by coach (it does not matter in those cases, even if you choose strictly follow depthchart). I have had a few hickups with my training, surely you can not avoid injuries and fouling out, but other random factors you can avoid.

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26712.234 in reply to 26712.233
Date: 3/5/2010 9:10:57 AM
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yes, i watched all these games. and they were won by margins of 24, 40 and 70 ;-)

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26712.235 in reply to 26712.234
Date: 3/5/2010 9:31:44 AM
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touche! :D

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26712.237 in reply to 26712.236
Date: 3/18/2010 12:55:53 AM
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So the coach took out the, by far, best outside shooter in my lineup?

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
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26712.239 in reply to 26712.238
Date: 3/25/2010 4:55:42 AM
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I have a problem.I was promoted from V league to IV league and I didn't get my promotion money!

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26712.240 in reply to 26712.239
Date: 4/6/2010 9:38:49 PM
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Hey!!! seems like there is a big BUG in the lineups..... to my last game I've set up my linup and I've checked it three times during this week. the weird thing is... today when I logged in to watch my league game, I've noticed that the lineup is it totally weird, seems like the the starters aren't starters anymore they've became the second guys waiting at the bench.... the order that I've given was "use my orders until the last quarter" but it didn't work like that, it tooks all my benchies for starters and it really was good at all for their minutes, it simply !$#!$!#$ my training.

Please check it out...

There is not mistake at the lineup.... I swear I set it up correctly I've checked it three times... what is going on with it?

From: zonk

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26712.241 in reply to 26712.240
Date: 4/7/2010 10:50:49 AM
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in my last game (20631438) i adjusted my effort setting with tie, my tactics should be 3-2 zone and push the ball, but today i checked the boxscore and my effort was normal, my tactics 2-3 zone and look inside. something went wrong. maybe it's because the boxscore-site was not available shortly after the game. i hope somebody can help.

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26712.242 in reply to 26712.240
Date: 4/8/2010 4:24:20 PM
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Hey!!! seems like there is a big BUG in the lineups
Yes, I'm pretty sure that there is a bug. You can check your real, previous lineups in pull-down menu but I'm sure that you didn't make any mistake. I was cheated several times too :/
