Alternatively you can implement a damper enthusiasm in attendance of the stadium is based on the reverse of the number of players in that nation.
Excellent, so that small-country teams can both be weak, and have no money to become better...
BB just implemented fixes in merchandising and TV revenue to somewhat adjust for country size and strength. I don't see anything else that will penalize teams just because they're in a small country.
Fixes for country size is in my opinion completely wrong. Strength of division yes, but size absolutely no. If the competition and random salary of a division in a small country is as high as in a big country, the merchandise, tv-revenue, attendance should be the same for it to be fair. But it is not, alas preventing the salaries to become as high, so we can actually turn the title of this thread around and say that small countries is at a disadvantage to become great teams, preventing them to get the top notch players. Those teams are also the only ones competing with team out of their country, creating an unfair enviroment for small country teams in hard divisions. Yep, you heard me.
As time goes by the level of competition inevitable goes up in small countries as the country ages and the average age of teams goes up allowing them time to build their enterprises. As it is now, it is unfair for small countries because the cap indicates: less inhabitants equals less income, regardless of division strength and total salaries. I will write a letter suggesting to our king that we invade, say.. the Netherlands promptly, so we can have as good BB income as the biggest countries top divisions

Now they are prevented to reach the same level. A calibration based heavily on the division strength would be most fair, with minor differences between divisions, mainly taken from TV-revenue and maximum arena prices.
Edit: to everyone, not just you, Kozlodoev.
Last edited by Svett Sleik (U21-Scout Norge) at 1/30/2010 12:18:05 PM