PressurePG:Trains OD @ ?Trains ID @ ?Trains HN @ ?
From BBCharles, "Driving and handling are very, very similar skills, and training either one will now also result in about 80% of training on the other."
Hi all,I am training Outside Shot and I have an 18 year old trainee who popped to strong last week and to proficient this week (have a lvl 10 trainer and train PG/SG) I didnt know that was possible?!?
Training for the youngest players will now happen approximately twice as quickly overall, so that we can build up the population of skilled players more rapidly.
However, seeing those two very quick pops makes me wonder if I overestimated.
However, seeing those two very quick pops makes me wonder if I overestimated.just a guess, but it might be possible that outside shooting trains a little faster than other trainings, cause it only trains 3 skills. Most training types train 4 skills. Just a guess.