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Training minutes in walkover

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From: Foto

This Post:
141058.24 in reply to 141058.23
Date: 4/22/2010 3:08:10 PM
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Second Team:
The user complaints because if you are training one position, no player will receive 48 minutes in a WO, so you can't get full training for three players

From: CorruptCop

To: Foto
This Post:
141058.25 in reply to 141058.24
Date: 4/22/2010 5:05:12 PM
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Thank you for the clarification sir.

I really should have stayed out of this topic, but I'm glad to have learned something from it.

Thanks Kukoc as well.

This Post:
141058.26 in reply to 141058.25
Date: 4/22/2010 11:06:21 PM
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Lol, I love how the mod's are making it sound like it's achievable to get all players training. How do I tell my guys to play the very exact combo of 36-10-2 minutes in the other 2 games?

This Post:
141058.27 in reply to 141058.26
Date: 4/23/2010 12:45:23 AM
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With correct stamina and blowout, you can get 36-12 easily. Who sayd that minute management should be easy? It's ment to be challenging and is one of the core functions of this game.

From: CrazyEye

To: Foto
This Post:
141058.28 in reply to 141058.24
Date: 4/23/2010 4:52:31 AM
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The user complaints because if you are training one position, no player will receive 48 minutes in a WO, so you can't get full training for three players

´but he still could get it when he assigns a backup in the enxt games(or very close to it), against an real opponent his trainee could get foul trouble or get injured so oyou also don't have a guardantee to get your full minutes there.

This Post:
141058.29 in reply to 141058.27
Date: 4/24/2010 4:12:07 AM
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With correct stamina and blowout, you can get 36-12 easily. Who sayd that minute management should be easy? It's ment to be challenging and is one of the core functions of this game.

There's a difference between being challenging and being annoying. I've got a better chance of winning the lottery than having my 3 trainee's all get exactly 36 minutes in 1 game, exactly 10 minutes in the other, and exactly 2 minutes in the third.

This Post:
141058.30 in reply to 141058.29
Date: 4/24/2010 5:29:28 AM
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You like easy games, gladly game creators like challenges.
If it annoys you so much, switch to 2 position 5 man training or train 2 guys at one spot. It's not that hard to switch up training that one week you get unlucky.

This Post:
141058.31 in reply to 141058.30
Date: 4/24/2010 5:20:22 PM
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You like easy games, gladly game creators like challenges.
If it annoys you so much, switch to 2 position 5 man training or train 2 guys at one spot. It's not that hard to switch up training that one week you get unlucky.

Because I disagree with the training we receive in walkovers, you generalize that I only like easy games? ..alright.

I've been playing buzzerbeater since season 4 and this is the only thing I've ever posted about. When I've had players receive 47 minutes and then get pulled with 30 seconds left, I was fine with it, since I knew that was a risk. But the fact that you refer to the week when I get a walkover as the week I get 'unlucky' illustrates the problem perfectly.

This Post:
141058.32 in reply to 141058.31
Date: 4/25/2010 2:54:10 AM
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How do I tell my guys to play the very exact combo of 36-10-2 minutes in the other 2 games?

I based my opinion on this sentence.
Have you studied walkovers? If you switch to 2 pos training for that week can you get more than 43 minutes for the game? Switch to JS 1vs1 or REB training (depending on position) for that week.
BTW this was your first walkover, ever. It's not like you have a walkover every week. Would you rather like receiving no minutes from WO like it should be?

This Post:
141058.33 in reply to 141058.32
Date: 4/26/2010 6:42:01 PM
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Have you studied walkovers? If you switch to 2 pos training for that week can you get more than 43 minutes for the game? Switch to JS 1vs1 or REB training (depending on position) for that week.

Have you read my other posts in here? I'm not focusing on 2 position training. The fact that your only resolution to the problem is to switch my training altogether is terrible.

BTW this was your first walkover, ever. It's not like you have a walkover every week. Would you rather like receiving no minutes from WO like it should be?

Like it should be? Uhh, where's that coming from?

And BTW, this was not my first walkover, ever. Your researching is apparently as poor as your arguing.

This Post:
141058.34 in reply to 141058.33
Date: 4/27/2010 1:22:41 AM
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I agree it was your second WO. I was a bit hasty.
You are training PG, so switch to JS training for that week. You can not train that as one position anyway. You do know that you can switch it back for next week right :) You are talking like one week of a bit different training will ruin your team. Comon, seems like pointless whining to me. You ate losing 1-3 minutes on PG spot almost every week, why do you start complaining when you lose 5 this time.
Like it should be? Uhh, where's that coming from?

No game no minutes. Simple logic.
