people people!!!
the first game against the Kazakhs is on monday na, and I've searched all through the league for up and comers... up na ang rosters at we're wishing na there could be better... i'm not proud of it yet, as we are lacking in guards...
mejo mahirap, pero kelangan ko magkaroon ng point guards na at least worth 8k ang salary, you can make your point gurads count basta ba yung gwardya nyo lang n un ang i train nyo at max out 1 or two skills... up before the all star weekend, maybe his salary will soar high by then...
sa pg, handling, passing, outside shooting and outside defence ang main skills, pili kayo kung alin jan ang gusto nyo i train para sa player nyo... basta trainable sha and mataas ang potential (optional)... maximum of two skills ang pwede... kung kaya.
kung at least proficient sila sa skill n un, may chance, byu then, tell me the development.
with more tips on training, feel free to BB Mail me... thanks!