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Cross Training (thread closed)

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From: Fresh24
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181778.24 in reply to 181778.22
Date: 4/21/2011 8:29:54 AM
Syndicalists' BC
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And since this is going to start in season 17, how are managers going to preopare for this? I think it may make sense to train primary skills for this upcoming season, and wait to train secondaries next season.

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181778.25 in reply to 181778.24
Date: 4/21/2011 8:31:27 AM
BC Hostivař
První liga
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Second Team:
Surely, this could be a choice but with being aware of salary increase and reaching the potential.

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181778.26 in reply to 181778.25
Date: 4/21/2011 12:06:05 PM
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...I read it in the way so if you do cross-training, you get aditional bonus of weak training of more other skills. Otherwise it should be like before. Because it is refering to low motivation to do cross-training. Well, my english isnt very good.

From: Marot
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181778.27 in reply to 181778.26
Date: 4/22/2011 6:11:15 PM
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I'm sure BB's will force us to train SB... no please ¡ xD

From: Arislanx

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181778.28 in reply to 181778.27
Date: 4/22/2011 7:04:59 PM
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Here's the thing about that though:

So, SB gets trained up via cross training in Season 17. Those 150K PFs and Cs go up to 200K on the salary calculators. Everyone freaks out. Then the post season processing goes through, player salaries are balanced against income averages and in S18 instead of a 6% drop like this year, those bigs get hit with a 20% drop so that teams can actually still afford the players on their roster.

I honestly think that's a win-win all the way around. Players get better and more well rounded league wide and teams don't pay an appreciable amount more.

From: Korey
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181778.29 in reply to 181778.28
Date: 4/22/2011 8:34:26 PM
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In general I think this is a good idea, except I think it has one flaw. That would be, if there is a National Team player trying to train secondaries to keep the salary in check. Before, they did not have to worry about getting an unintentional pop on main skills that can add 35k to salary.

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181778.30 in reply to 181778.29
Date: 4/22/2011 8:53:22 PM
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Salary is one thing but I am more concerned about premature capping ;)

This Post:
181778.31 in reply to 181778.30
Date: 4/22/2011 9:23:34 PM
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A lot of people seem to be worried about player capping or wage rises. If I'm not mistaken, sublevels are used in salary calculations. I'm not sure whether they are used in skill capping, but can't imagine why they wouldn't be. Secondary training is already very slow. If this new training system does indeed train more skills, I'm sure it will be done at a very slow rate. If anything, I believe short term pops will be almost purely cosmetic (ie. 11.95-12.01). If it takes 8 weeks for a pop in ID when training IS, imagine how slow it would be to get a pop in OD. 12 weeks? 18? Whatever changes are made there will be people who complain, but I can't believe people are complaining that it would be easier to train a rounded player than a mono-skilled salary monster.

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181778.32 in reply to 181778.31
Date: 4/22/2011 9:30:45 PM
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Good post :)

This Post:
181778.33 in reply to 181778.32
Date: 4/22/2011 9:51:42 PM
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well at least this change was announced a season in advance..

but we'll still probably get whinging and whining about it. Personally I think its an interesting idea/approach... and I can't wait to see it in action :D

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181778.34 in reply to 181778.33
Date: 4/23/2011 3:02:03 AM
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Indeed, season in advance and now I have to wait a whole season
