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Playoff suggestions

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198658.24 in reply to 198658.21
Date: 10/17/2011 9:18:03 AM
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I'll try to further explain what I mean about this second issue;

1) The court advantage stays.
The RL round will be played on one of the teams court, but upon their acheimements in the regular season.
So, this doesn't compromise the game in this sense.

2) When each team plays each other it is a better chance that the better team stays.
Again, take a look at my league and you will see that I had luck to get the worse team of the two although I finished 7th.

On the last paragraph you wrote, I just wanted an answer and didn't get one, so I've asked the one who answered regarding the first issue also to take a look at the second issue.

Because you brought it up, I've also wanted to ask why when someone reports a cheater he doesn't get an email back with the result of the check.

Thanks for your response

From: blid
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198658.25 in reply to 198658.21
Date: 10/20/2011 12:32:23 PM
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Why do I make LESS money in the playoffs? It seems stupid.

From: blid

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198658.27 in reply to 198658.26
Date: 10/20/2011 8:53:31 PM
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If your tickets are priced right you're selling out 99% of your seats anyway, so where would the extra income come from?

It is EXTREMELY stupid that I can pay my salaries all season but when I get to the playoffs and win my funds go negative.