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[Poll] Effort agreements

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202589.25 in reply to 202589.24
Date: 11/16/2011 8:07:07 PM
BV Pistons
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BV Pistons II
Here's how is see TIE agreements, and I see I'm not the only one.
Team names are not important here. But I'm in charge of team X, a decent team. My next game is against team Y, a better team all around that probably underestimates me. Now, I've managed to build up some enthusiasm, and I think I might have a shot to beat team Y if I play normal, and he does the expected thing, and TIE. No reason why he shouldn't, I'm a weaker team, he doesn't know that I have some enthusiasm saved up for this game, and probably suspects I'm about to TIE myself, since chances of winning are slim. But, to make sure, Y sends me a bb-mail and proposes a TIE agreement. Now, I'm screwed.
I have 4 options:
1. Agree to the TIE proposition, and lose;
2. Say no, at which point, Y will not play TIE against me, since he knows I'm up to something. Again, I lose;
3. Not respond to the bb-mail, and now you can take a look above, at nr. 2, because again, my opponent knows I'm up to something. The outcome is...I lose;
4. Agree to TIE, play normal, beat team Y, and then be called a weasel(and I don't see why I shouldn't, since I've deceived a fellow player).
What's the upside for me here? What option do I choose? Either way, I end up a loser. Even if I win by choosing option 4, I did it using a lie, and I don't like that.
Anyway, usually the teams that propose TIE agreements are the teams that already have an advantage over the opponent, and want to gather up some enthusiasm for the future.
The only instance when I would accept a TIE agreement is the first game of the season, be it either for the NT or club team. Because, again, the team that proposes the TIE is the one that has the advantage, and it's reasonable not to expect much when my GS is 7 all around and enthusiasm is sitting at 5.
Well, this is just my personal opinion and I respect other opinions that don't agree with this one.

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202589.26 in reply to 202589.25
Date: 11/16/2011 8:17:21 PM
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I know I might be "outing" myself, but I usually only offer Tie-Deals if I´m going to play Tie anways. So even if my opponent denies the deal, it´s still a 85% probability that I´ll Tie the game, unless I really have a serious reason to expect him to crunch. In that case, I´ll try to convince my opponent to at least agree not to crunch simply by telling him I´m planning to tie nevertheless, unless I have him "up for something", in which case I´d play normal and leave him with the risk of STILL losing if crunching.

And I´m obviously only offering Tie-Deals when I´m the favourite for the game and if I´m having a solid chance of winning tie vs. normal or normal vs. CT.

Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 11/16/2011 8:18:47 PM

Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, die Dummheit und das All...
This Post:
202589.27 in reply to 202589.25
Date: 11/17/2011 1:58:55 AM
BC Hostivař
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You have option number 5: say no for TIE-TIE and offer him normal-TIE then you turn advantage (in terms of your thinking) to your side.

Last edited by rwystyrk at 11/17/2011 1:59:35 AM

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202589.28 in reply to 202589.27
Date: 11/17/2011 2:56:06 AM
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ah yeah, also variant 6:
say no to mTIE and offer your opponent to play TIE while you are using CT.

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202589.29 in reply to 202589.28
Date: 11/17/2011 2:59:18 AM
BC Hostivař
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It's in fact the same as his variant 4 breaking the deal, only difference is whether you break it by normal or CT.

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202589.30 in reply to 202589.27
Date: 11/17/2011 5:42:39 AM
BV Pistons
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BV Pistons II
You have option number 5: say no for TIE-TIE and offer him normal-TIE then you turn advantage (in terms of your thinking) to your side.

You mean tell him that he can play TIE while I play normal?

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202589.31 in reply to 202589.30
Date: 11/17/2011 8:57:32 AM
BC Hostivař
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Exactly, deals are not just TIE-TIE, I have played several times TIE-normal or normal-TIE on deal and once even normal-normal on deal.

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202589.32 in reply to 202589.31
Date: 11/17/2011 9:07:03 AM
BV Pistons
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BV Pistons II
Mmmm...I see your point, but that's kind of option 2, where I don't agree to the TIE-TIE.
But, let's say that I counter the TIE-TIE with a normal-TIE, like you said. Why would team Y agree to this? He's throwing away his advantage. Besides, if I were team Y, I would ask myself:
"Why would he want to play normal when I'm the stronger team and I am the clear favorite for this game? He knows something I don't know. I don't want to lose this one, screw it, I'm playing normal. Better safe than sorry."

How did those games when you played TIE while your opponent played normal turn out? Did you win all of them? Well, you might have, you have a very solid team

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202589.33 in reply to 202589.32
Date: 11/17/2011 10:42:58 AM
BC Hostivař
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Someone can you offer TIE-TIE even if he wants play TIE anyway (or just doesn't want to play TIE-CT). But you don't know it when he is asking for TIE-TIE. But in this case he could agree with your re-proposal of normal-TIE. I think it worths ask him. If he refuses you wouldn't still be in worse situation than before.
It happens me at least once, I played match where I would have agreed to TIE-normal, but as I saw on forum that my opponent is very confident of strength of his team I offered him TIE-TIE and he accepted it.
Deals are sometimes about negotiation and some kind of "psychological war". Some managers are saying that it's obvious what asking team would play without an agreement but it's not true. Sometimes even I don't what I will play if opponent refuses my offer so how the others could know it?

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202589.34 in reply to 202589.33
Date: 11/17/2011 4:27:34 PM
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I have never had a proposal like this...why? Because everybody knows that i ALWAYS play TIE:)
