how often does LI lose to other tactics at the top level, predicted or not and how do the other tactics do under the same evaluation.
i'll just add one thing on this part
LI does not lose to another offensive tactic as it goes up against defensive tactics.
if a team A plays LI and m2m and the opponent (team
plays OI and 2-3 , team A lost, but the offensive tactic lost to the 2-3 zone.
i know it seems like i am nitpicking your statement but the conclusion should be read differently.
the best offensive tactics are not better as one is more resource demanding than another, but defensive tactics are the true indicator of what offenses work the best.
unfortunately, good OD offsets almost completly outside tactics. if you have od 10on big men you could care less what the other team is playing (RnG Motion Patient or whatever)
wheas inside tactics require not only id but also SB, also some OD on the opposing passer and it is harder to stop.
i think a solution to this would be either to nerf OD to loosen up outside tactics effectiveness, or bump up SB/ID to offset inside offenses