i have to not agree with you as some teams think thy are not good for the higher division and rather have one more season in a lower league and get there more ready
and as to your answer i i will stop posting answers as you do not take what i tell you in any mean of try to understand and telling me i am whining all the time
and as far as ASW the situation is the same for all teams so i have no problem there but the situation here is that a team that got batter position in the season get worse rewards for it at the end (training time draft pike and less money but not only)
and yes you may not be aible to fully train 6 players in a 3 games weeks? i think i bean ding a good job doing so in the last 3 weeks with 6 players and the one i think of the lees got only +-40 minutes per week so yah i think i did a good job there but it dosent matter that in order to survive the next few weeks i need to sell 2 of my trainees
now if unless you have something that actually talks to the subject other them try to tell me i am whining over money and dont even try to read the all thing this will be my last post to you
Get your facts firs then you can distort them as you please. Mark Twain