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Nbrs are falling - Buzzerbeater whats wrong & how can it be fixed?

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From: WFUnDina

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251069.240 in reply to 251069.239
Date: 12/19/2013 7:21:00 AM
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They DO get rewarded more. The following season tanking teams are penalized, meanwhile, wait for it, playoff teams are rewarded with better attendance.

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251069.241 in reply to 251069.240
Date: 12/21/2013 1:21:58 AM
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Well this season is over and next season is soon to begin.

Will any of the changes that have been suggested in this thread, be announced as new features when BB-Marin announces whats new in his "Welcome to Season 26" post?

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251069.242 in reply to 251069.241
Date: 12/21/2013 2:32:19 AM
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The idea of a second team sounds great to me. I also think the draft should mean something I don't pay for scouting anymore and seem to get better prospect than when I did pay. I think having a playoff in division would mean more to most players than a system where high division teams dominate and low division teams don't stand a chance. also to help lower division teams I think all teams should be rewarded even if they lose in the tournament 50k to the winner only, just doesn't seem right,
maybe 75k for winner and 25-50k to losing team.

This Post:
251069.243 in reply to 251069.241
Date: 12/21/2013 5:02:30 AM
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anyone who names less then 5 players for a game should get hit with a attendance penalty for future games

50% - following home game
25% - 2nd home game following
10% - 3rd home game following
5% - 4th home game following

Would put an end to walk overs IMO
People will just have to set a 5 player default lineup

Tonight in my league final game 2 the away team names no players at all.
They should have heaps of pissed off fans no turn up for game 3 IMO

This Post:
251069.244 in reply to 251069.243
Date: 12/21/2013 5:50:16 AM
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add enthu and stamina penalties too in the same amount and I will agree

This Post:
251069.245 in reply to 251069.244
Date: 12/21/2013 6:18:43 AM
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They need to upgrade 19 yr old draft picks.....It is rare to see someone keep a 19 yr old.....so my suggestion is that 19yr olds can have strongs to start. The max a 18 yr old can be is 10 Respectables..70 TSP, they should up 19yr olds to be able to have 10 Strongs and a max of 80 is possible.

This Post:
251069.246 in reply to 251069.243
Date: 12/21/2013 9:43:43 AM
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Teams could still accidentally list 2 players. I think it would be better if teams could only have as little as 5 or 6 players. That way teams literally couldn't list less than 5 players.

This Post:
251069.247 in reply to 251069.245
Date: 12/21/2013 10:09:15 AM
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Very good idea.

This Post:
251069.248 in reply to 251069.246
Date: 12/21/2013 2:00:14 PM
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Teams should not be able to set a line up default or other wise with less then 5 players.

This Post:
251069.249 in reply to 251069.248
Date: 12/21/2013 4:58:06 PM
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Teams should not be able to set a line up default or other wise with less then 5 players.

Would really make the games between tankers, a more genuine contest and potentially could really test their managerial skills

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251069.250 in reply to 251069.249
Date: 12/21/2013 8:13:13 PM
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But people could still get 5 garbage players and play them every game. In that case, people would still tank, but would lose a small portion of profit from the extra 2 players they would have to have.
