Results were a bit of a mixture tonight
Obviously I was happy with my teams win over the Immortals
Bit shocked and saddened that Dire lost at home.
Stone Slashers and his low cost roster beat an extremely capable Aussie
YPB got some extremely impressive ratings against Urmummas
Seagulls budget roster despite conceding HCA to the big dollar roster of HSD, put up an incredibly gutsy performance.
Ants used less enthusiam than Pancakes and despite not having HCA, also put in a very credible performance suggesting that the relegation series between the 2 of them is very much alive.
Going forward & Mental notes to myself;
Stone Slashers are not to be underestimated.
YPB v HSD will be worth watching.
Should HSD get past YPB and get his newest acquisitions up in Game shape, then he would be extremely tough to beat