JS 8 5 JR
OD 4 20 HD
DR 20 20 PA
IS 10 17 ID
RB 17 17 SB
He doesn't even have to be a HoF; this is halfway through MVP potential. Offense: PG, SG or SF. Defense: C.
For a PG, his IS is too big. For a SF, his HA, RB and SB is too big. On defense he dominates. Salary: ~150k.
Only three skills are trained 1-position: SB, ID and PA. Other skills are trained via RB and 1 on 1 for SF/PF which are 2 position. It's hard to do it, but you get a unique player who is tough to defend. With height of ~206 cm, I'd say you need 6 seasons of training. In my opinion thinking outside the box is future of BB.
Last edited by Koperboy at 6/20/2012 6:33:23 AM