I also can't believe Dire lost.
Very sad that the 2 teams in the ABBL who have arguably done the most to help the national team this season, both lost.
Aussie Pride with Schneider and Mahurhar and BLS with Lonergan and Pradip.
With the salaries that were devoted to these Aussie talls, both teams in my opinion seemed to struggle for depth with guards
You demolished the Immortals. Is it too late to put some money on you?
My book has closed however you may be able to place a bet with with Pete.
Bit of a shame as with my original market (
(256284.61)) you could have had 12 to 1 for each of myself, YPB or Stone Slashers and you could have got 8 to 1 for HSD
Whilst I appear to have an edge with both depth and HCA, I cant afford to underestimate Stone Slashers and I could ill afford any injuries or game shape problems should I end up facing HSD in the finals
I did sound the warning quite early with regards to HSD
(256284.40)Last edited by Sid Vicious at 6/25/2014 4:08:40 AM