4-25 is 16% from the 3 point-line...also with the penalties given by Look Inside to the outside shots,it's a too low percentage for the line-up the game engine used for Bulgaria;
I am only interested in interpreting the facts, not in speculation. And the fact is, that the game engine disagrees with your opinion.
And you have to explain why Bukureshtliev shooted so well in a look inside attack and attire so much fouls,why he wasn't penalized?
He wasn't shooting three-pointers.
The fact says that's a ridicoulous (and I hope unique) game create by the gam engine...I was curious to know if BB can simulate 100 times again the match,and says what would be the average result
I don't think that Bukureshtliev has an higher IS than the Id of Albanian Ap,and his outside shooting should be damaged by the Look inside tactic,so i really don't understand why he can shoot from the field with 50%