if he tries to price hike the player, and gets him he looses a lot of money if he gets him and can not resell him effective the next week so this is a very dangerous strategy especially because many teams left when the owner participate in the bdding war.
And if he really needs him like i do it is a normal transfer situation(because the player isn't cheaper then other player on the transferlist for the owner), and the players goes to the team who is wanting him more
I agree its dangerous, but it still allows managers to gain an unfair advantage if the opposite happens to your scenario, as in he does hike the price and still sell him to another team for an inflated and false price. There are many what if's, but simply it has the ability to allow a manager to exploit the system, so must be considered flawed.
Sometimes the sitution is changing, injured players or you get outbid on your favorite player where you though you had more then enough money so that you don't want to change your rooster anymore etc
This is nothing more than the risk of the game, luck, choices, timing and all the other variables that make this game so interesting, I am not against people buying the player back, as someone said in a previous post, its almost the same as a opt out contract in the last year, I am against the managers that are doing it for the corrupt reason, and pointing out the ability to abuse the current system as the GMs allow people to bid on there own player.
As I said before, there are other ways of making the system work just the same, but not allowing managers to price hike, buy back option is just one, but others lwould also work, and none of them would allow abuse of the transfer market to price hike