But taking injuries away or halving them again will make BB a worse simulation. Football Manager without injuries ?... Ah ah ah !
BB is not real life.
In real life you don't need to train your SF as PG/C until he is 26 years old. It's OK here, because it's a game, a challenging and complex game indeed.
In real life if you are the manager of LA Lakers and Kobe and Gasol get injured and can't make to the playoffs it is too bad, the Lakers will lose, that's bad but your life as a manager continues, you have your family, your friends, you go to a party and so on.
Here in BB your players are your life. Without your players you are anything. There's nothing else you can do. If you take your players away from the managers you kill the fun. Create other challenges, make the game even more complex and difficult, but let the players play.
In BB things happen very slowly. One week is a lot of time. Taking away a player for 2, 3, 4 weeks is an eternity for a manager. It is different from real life. And also different from most sports managers, specially those which are not online and let you choose the pace of playing.
One good suggestion is to let in-game injuries happen more frequently and diminish drastically the ocurrence of long term injuries. That would force managers to hire more effective backups and create more balanced rosters.