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Národní tým U-21 IV (thread closed)

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201418.25 in reply to 201418.17
Date: 11/15/2011 9:04:55 AM
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Dam asi jednoho mého hráče na trh(18let, pot. 7, výška 198), kterého jsem před pár dny zachránil. Nemá o něho někdo zájem?

Last edited by Youngsters at 11/15/2011 12:46:10 PM

From: Honza

This Post:
201418.26 in reply to 201418.20
Date: 11/15/2011 9:09:38 AM
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Proč to píše mě ? Já už nejsem trener..... A když si vymějšlí a píše na svoje forum nesmysli , tak at se nedivi , žemu je někdo omlátí o hlavu !

Last edited by Honza at 11/15/2011 9:14:11 AM

From: rwystyrk

This Post:
201418.27 in reply to 201418.26
Date: 11/15/2011 9:11:31 AM
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Protože je zjevně zdatný v mnoha oblastech :-D

This Post:
201418.28 in reply to 201418.12
Date: 11/15/2011 9:12:03 AM
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Chtěl bych upozornit na jednoho hráče, který je na trhu a má šanci se dostat na U21
má 19 let a potenciál 8

16.11.2011 21:35:49 - podkošák, vyrovnané skilly, možná by z něj mohlo být SF

This Post:
201418.29 in reply to 201418.28
Date: 11/15/2011 9:25:36 AM
BC Hostivař
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U toho posledního si nejsem úplně jistý, že to může do U21 stihnout, možná by se mohl vyjádřit skaut pro 19 leté. Ten hráč má krásný součet a rozložené skilly, ale má nešťastnou výšku 201 cm. Nejsem si jistý, ať už bude trénovat na perimetru nebo pod košem, jestli za ty 2 sezony stihne vytrénovat primární skilly dostatečně vysoko.

This Post:
201418.30 in reply to 201418.23
Date: 11/15/2011 11:47:15 AM
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1) Yes, I think that TIE deals are disgusting.
2) No, there are no defense for posting in our forum that I am an useless manager and that our community is stupid to elect me. To mention in the last sentence that there might be no alternative does not compensate for the accusation towards our community.
3) You are accusing me of spamming. Are you accussing rwstark for spamming in our community? Is his aggressive behaviour in our thread better than me informing about his behaviour?

1)I will answer that in your thread
2)There is a little defense for that. Putting aside that it be partially true. I don't your opponents in swedish election. Whoever puts his beliefs of how the game should over good of his NT is a poor choice.
3)I wouldn't go there and do what he did but he was on topic whole time; you were able only to reataliate with alleged lack of sportmanship on his part and was weak enough to go and expand that debate on another forum where it is clearly off topic as the debate has been focused on management of swedish u21 and principles and didn't involve our u21 at all except original enthusiasm non-deal

Call others disgusting and without sportmanship and praising breaking of deals*... go figure

*it was Rosen but you sound as one man driven community down there anyway

This Post:
201418.31 in reply to 201418.30
Date: 11/15/2011 4:12:14 PM
Jokehim Maniacs
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Jokehim Maniacs II
Call others disgusting and without sportmanship and praising breaking of deals*... go figure

*it was Rosen but you sound as one man driven community down there anyway"

Just had to comment on that. Mine and Rosens opinions are usually differing and this is also such case. I will never break a TIE deal because I will always give the same response to someone asking for it as I gave to your U21 coach. It is tempting to agree and break it but I will still never do it because of the same reason I will never agree on one. Sku88an explains very well why to not do TIE deals.

And surely my messages has been dealing with the Czech U21. The behaviour of someone in your U21 team is certainly about the Czech U21 and it also was about a match that Czech U21 played ...

From: Wixix

This Post:
201418.32 in reply to 201418.23
Date: 11/16/2011 10:23:39 AM
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You are not allowed to speak English in this forum.

From: rwystyrk

This Post:
201418.33 in reply to 201418.32
Date: 11/16/2011 11:32:59 AM
BC Hostivař
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Fakt ne? Snažil jsem se rychle najít pravidla pro tohle forum, ale nějak se mi to nepovedlo :-)

From: Wixix

This Post:
201418.34 in reply to 201418.33
Date: 11/16/2011 1:54:27 PM
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Upřímně řečeno taky nevim kde bych to teď hledal, ale pokud vim, tak to tak je :) mělo by to platit i o tvých příspěvcích na švédském fóru, trenéři si mají nadávat na fóru pro trenéry :D

Last edited by Wixix at 11/16/2011 1:54:36 PM

From: rwystyrk

This Post:
201418.35 in reply to 201418.34
Date: 11/16/2011 1:56:26 PM
BC Hostivař
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Ale když to vezmu kolem a kolem, tak by podle stejného principu tady neměli ani slováci psát slovensky a my na slovenském foru česky ;-)
