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Ideal JR for SF

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228815.25 in reply to 228815.11
Date: 10/28/2012 8:45:10 PM
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I really am gonna miss this guy when he's too old to keep up (he's 30 now, I picked him up in season 19; back then I didn't expect to even make a run at a D-5 title until this season)

Olexiy Polianitsa, my starting SF, is one of the most balanced SF's you'll find. He's a real swiss-knife player; has at least 7 in every stat except experience (6), including 9 JS, 12 FT, and 8 in all three defensive stats to go with 8 handling and 9 stamina. The guy may not stand out, but I can't go wrong putting him in the game.

On topic, it really depends on what kind of offense you run; however you'll probably want at least 9 or 10 JR even if you play Look-Inside, since even then your team will take around 10 threes a game, and you can expect one or two of those to go to the SF. even in my crappy league, 7 JR will hold a player under 20% from beyond the arc.

Last edited by Iamthedude at 10/28/2012 8:49:46 PM

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228815.27 in reply to 228815.22
Date: 10/29/2012 2:47:13 AM
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Have you or someone has a list with the cost of every single skill in relation with the position? That would be a great help.

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228815.29 in reply to 228815.24
Date: 11/1/2012 9:18:18 AM
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Here is my two cents on this topic. I personally always ran a SG in SF spot, but I can say that for my guards I never had more than 10JR so for SF to have anything higher is nonsense to me. Guards with 9-10 JR in D.IV - D.III will hit threes in around .40. So what's I'm saying is that SF with JR 8 will do just fine, don't need to get it up to 10 unless you are building RnG SF. Otherwise just save the cap and salary and focus more on other skills. Then for JS 19-20 is a waste on SF especially. You don't need more than 16-18 and greater than 16 is for D.I.

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228815.30 in reply to 228815.29
Date: 11/1/2012 10:22:30 AM
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Guards with 9-10 JR in D.IV - D.III will hit threes in around .40. So what's I'm saying is that SF with JR 8 will do just fine, don't need to get it up to 10 unless you are building RnG SF. Otherwise just save the cap and salary and focus more on other skills. Then for JS 19-20 is a waste on SF especially. You don't need more than 16-18 and greater than 16 is for D.I.

I can quite definitely dispute that a 9-10 JR guard will knock down anything near 40% of his threes in III, at least against teams that are of III caliber and not tanking/bots.

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228815.33 in reply to 228815.30
Date: 11/1/2012 2:59:04 PM
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Guards with 9-10 JR in D.IV - D.III will hit threes in around .40. So what's I'm saying is that SF with JR 8 will do just fine, don't need to get it up to 10 unless you are building RnG SF. Otherwise just save the cap and salary and focus more on other skills. Then for JS 19-20 is a waste on SF especially. You don't need more than 16-18 and greater than 16 is for D.I.

I can quite definitely dispute that a 9-10 JR guard will knock down anything near 40% of his threes in III, at least against teams that are of III caliber and not tanking/bots.

Yes sorry, posted before checking. They can hit in a range of .30-.35

From: ibarix

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228815.34 in reply to 228815.13
Date: 11/2/2012 12:20:04 PM
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I don't think JR is that important for a SF in LI tactic. If you want a SF for that tactic, I would rather train more driving and maybe some passing.

You are right. JR is not so important. According to coach parrot, SF in Look inside needs more IS, REB, PAS and OD in that order of importance.

From: RayRAY

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228815.35 in reply to 228815.34
Date: 11/6/2012 9:08:40 AM
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Second Team:
HK Training Center
May I ask a question?
If I have 2 SF with the same IS, ID, RB,
first one has better HA and PAS but weaker JS,OD,
second one has better JS, OD but weaker HA, PAS.
Which one should I choose for Look inside's SF and PF?
