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NT Worthy?

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From: fari

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250172.25 in reply to 250172.24
Date: 10/27/2013 9:13:49 AM
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I never said that NT's need a lot of 280k salary centers read my posts again, all I said was if people make a center like that, it will be a sacrifice for that teams clubs as for as money flow, and economy esc.. If you read all my messages again to it's entirety you would have got that. In this case I agreed with you in my last posts, you misinterpreted. And you still are misinterpreting.

Your taking this game way to seriously. I understand people can make false statements. But totally bashing them of there ideology then, all you do is diminish their standards on playing the game, then some people will just quit all together. It is what it is but, correcting those incorrect statments without criticism should always be welcomed by managers. You made a long paragraph what I don't know, instead give me more advice on my player. Again you started your team in D2, you have it easier then our managers in the USA. The only reason why, I'm in D4 is because I saved up tons of money. Leagues do not classify your class, or ideoligy, this is just false which your making it out to be that way, look at what your Saying

Just be careful of what you say. And do it Constructively.


Last edited by fari at 10/27/2013 9:18:56 AM

From: fari

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250172.29 in reply to 250172.28
Date: 10/27/2013 10:56:19 PM
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This is my 3rd time saying this, I never said NT's want 280k centers, thats what your saying. Your ok to me and I'm srry, I understand where your coming from, now. But know this. A lot of people won't take your criticisms lightly and probably a lot hasn't, its just the tone of it, but if thats how you are that cool. You didn't hurt my feelings at all, its a game. I have a life, not that you don't either. I said that I agreed with you, but you misinterpreted. Even though I'm D.IV, that dosent mean anything about knowledge of the game imo. Please criticize me more. Maybe when I'm in D2 or NBBA, I can challenge your logic. But I'm just in D.IV what do I know, lol.

Seriously read my post, you misinterpreted. Also, let get back on topic plz.

Last edited by fari at 10/27/2013 11:06:00 PM

From: fari

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250172.31 in reply to 250172.30
Date: 10/28/2013 9:44:06 AM
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I've been in the offsite since 2 years ago, so I have gained a bit of knowledge. I'll start with training RB first then, I'll 1v1 him. Hopefully I can promote this season eventually.

This Post:
250172.32 in reply to 250172.31
Date: 10/29/2013 5:33:10 AM
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I think that all skills which must be trained in wrong position should be trained first. That will keep salary low and it's possible in lower divisions only. In my country that kind of training is quite common and possible in DIII and DIV only. DII level competition is quite hard and thus training on wrong position is giving all too much favor for opponents. Training in that order will also make it possible that some higher level teams can buy your player later if you decide to sell your "star". Of course also main skills must be adequate for corresponding division level. So do not count on that some team in NBBA will buy your player and continue training towards NT. Training to NT level is always a sacrifice for a team.

Then some words about potential. I have trained some superstar players from 18 to 25 = 7 seasons without any caps. It's question of balance and skill skill distribution. So now counting on that player is ATG and can be trained a lot longer is definetly true. But I have also one MVP player trained for age of 27 and no cap either. So I'm trying to say that training will slow down quite much because of age, you necessarily never need ATG potential, HoF is enough and in some cases also MVP - depends on skill distribution you are aiming. For very balanced players it clear that HoF is definetly enough and you can train until age of 30. If your player is behind in skills already at the age of 20, he will be also behind in age of 30.

If your focus is to get NT player, I think only way is to make some kind of specialist or utilize his ATG potential and make it way over any limits some skills and be prepared to pay huge salaries, but both ones are risky and there is no any guarantees that he will make NT level.

Training for money and own team has seldom same targets than NT team has.

Nothing new in my post, just some thoughts. It has been pleasure to read ideas and discussions about reasonable skill distribution. Only thing I have some thoughts is don't need RB if your shooting% is high enough. And you can still get some rebounds with extremely low I'm not quite sure that RB is right way to go either. It's one of the most expensive skills.

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250172.33 in reply to 250172.8
Date: 10/29/2013 5:53:34 AM
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I'm working with some SB>ID players. I really like the results so far. I think this stat issue comes down to what the player elects/tries to do on a given play. I'm still in the hypothesis phase with this, but basically if your player is ID>SB, even with considerable SB he may not block many shots (although he will contribute very well for defense inside).

I have understood that ID will prevent opponent from trying to score, so they will pass the ball or so. Then if opponent still tries to shoot (what ever kind of shot), then SB will again try to lower to probability of scoring. So if your player has "low" ID and high SB of course there will be more shot blocks in the stats. But I think SB is not alone enough. Inside player must have also high ID so that all is not depending on SB. If we take salary formula into consideration, then I think it might be true that SB can be trained higher than ID to get best salary/performance ratio. Also help defense is related to SB at least in some extent?

I just switched this weeks training from ID to SB

Last edited by Codemasters at 10/29/2013 5:54:43 AM

This Post:
250172.34 in reply to 250172.32
Date: 10/29/2013 9:59:16 PM
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Yeah, maybe I'll train more ID in the future, lets say 15/16/16/14 in inside skills and alot of subs in the future.

I have a lot of 1v1 for him to get up those subs skills real quick. I'll watch his position very closely because he might change to a SF at any moment. I'm gonna focus on getting OD and PA up as well.

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