ill chime in here for a bit - i haven't read all the posts, so sorry if im repeating something.
It also seems the thread has gone into 'solution' mode already so my comments might be detracting from that.
So. Numbers of BB users do seem to have decreased quite spectacularly in the past 12-24 months. I think 2 years ago it was nearly twice the current number of users.....r ( I used wayback-machine to check this. 31st July 2012 there were 45656 active teams - today - 26904 active teams)
There is some more data which i think is important from the community page. Particularly in the last 7 days section. Ive listed below this data, and the difference between now and 2 years ago.
BB-mails Sent ( -17% )
Messages post on forums ( -3% )
Number of new users sign up ( -71% )
Number of simultaneous online users ( -29% )
Number of users banned ( -23%)
Also interesting is that number of active countries has increased by 1.
I think these numbers are interesting - So whilst the number of active users is down 41%, that difference is not reflected in other stats.
- Forum posts have remained the same/similar
- Number of simultaneous users hasn't changed as much.
- Number of BB-mails sent has not changed as much as the number of active users.
- Number of new users sign up is down significantly.
So what does this tell us?
- That people who, 2 years ago, were using forums and BB-mail, are still using BB.
- That the majority of users have left, not from small nations (the number of active countries has gone up!) but from established countries.
There is also the fact that, the number of BB users probably did peak at about 50k. This was probably its height of popularity. Lots of sites/things in life do a peak and then a drop to a more sustainable level.
Without knowing much more info about the types of users that are leaving, or why they are leaving, its hard to say that there is something wrong with the game. Perhaps all it was, when there was 50k users, was that there wa sa constant churn of new users lasting less than 6 months. This churn may have stopped/slowed.
the fact that it was around 50k users for 2010, 2011, 2012 and then suddenly died off - not sure what this suggests. The above data suggests that the number of new users is simply not happening anywhere near as much as before, (in 2009, it was over 4k users in that 7 day period).
That does suggest that the ratio of incoming new user to user retention is more imbalanced, so yer.
essentially, im summary, i dont tihnk there is anything particularly wrong with the game which is causing long time users to leave. Just not as many new users coming through.
That is all and i just lost a massive bidding war and now im annoyed! haha.