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159 free throw missed in straight

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98763.25 in reply to 98763.24
Date: 6/25/2009 6:42:07 PM
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my stamina was around a low 3 which is i think very low because i never trained it because my 2 U21 prospects was the only player who have had stamina. Today is it higher, because my bought players have higher stamina "from start", but a big role on my training programm isn't it till now especially because i have 2 players with very bad free throw skills(one the first look at my rooster, the evidence with stamina and ft percentage doesn't seem so clear, currently i got some FT lucker with low stamina) .

And there was a neutral bilance against team who have a stamina fetish, or saying things like that in the forums.

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98763.26 in reply to 98763.8
Date: 6/26/2009 5:25:06 PM
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Second Team:
easy solution: if you train JS, FT will increase as secondary.

That would perfectly simulate reality: if you are a solid shooter, you can easily shoot from any spot, even FT. The reason is that you are familiar at shooting, so FT is definitely a secondary of JS. Minimal fix to the training engine.

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98763.27 in reply to 98763.26
Date: 6/26/2009 5:30:54 PM
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Minimal fix to the training engine.

There really aren't any minimal fixes in BuzzerBeater.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
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98763.28 in reply to 98763.6
Date: 6/26/2009 5:33:23 PM
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clearly he has some pathological fear of the free throw line, and this explains it.

there are weird mental blocks in sports, like catchers that can't throw back to the pitcher, or chuck knoblauch suddenly not being able to make routine throws to first base.

are you serious?

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98763.30 in reply to 98763.29
Date: 6/26/2009 5:38:24 PM
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and so what?...

This Post:
98763.31 in reply to 98763.27
Date: 6/26/2009 5:39:43 PM
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Second Team:
Minimal fix to the training engine.

There really aren't any minimal fixes in BuzzerBeater.

I hope there is a wide adoptions of tables and parameters, not everything cabled inside the source code

In training, I guess the algorithm should:
- check which is the training
- initiate a list of weights: position [0] is primary, then 100%, others have weight (you can make your list as long as you want, from no secondary -case of FT training- to N)
- take a player
- check played minutes in appropriate role against training
- apply calculation on primary skill, weight 100% * minutes/48:
- cycle for i:=1 to N (number of secondaries), re-applying calculation

Effort to fix: add one secondary to JS training.

May be something more, not too much.

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98763.33 in reply to 98763.32
Date: 6/26/2009 5:47:45 PM
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Yes, I've read it, but I wanna know if he was serious about the first part he wrote.

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98763.34 in reply to 98763.31
Date: 6/26/2009 7:29:28 PM
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the fix isn't minimal in the effect for the game, if you don't want to count with a hidden ft value which is on the born + trained with FT value.

because with changes you always hit someone in the nuts, who didn't expect them and maybe trained FT a lot etc.

Even if BB makes more dramastic changes in past, but i think with such a system ft training becomes a bit useless ...

Last edited by CrazyEye at 6/26/2009 7:31:12 PM
