How many of those 240 messages who support this, are from a lower division than DIV-I? or top team of DIV-II?
Stupid, inane thing to say.
I guess this you "smart" way to say - NONE... Not that i thought otherwise.
Thank you for providing a perfect example of why I stated "inane/stupid".
I'll explain Pini, and I'll use small words so you've a greater chance of understanding...
Thread title: "Plight of
Smaller Nations"
Please note the bolded/underlined words
(editorial: is 'underlined' too big a word? Sheesh... taking a chance there - TEN LETTERS!!!). "Smaller Nations". By this, it means we are talking about countries with not many users. So when a player starts, they start IN Div. II... or in some cases, even in Div. I!
So as far as who would be the perfect people to make comment on this topic, people from smaller nations would be those (like... say, a country where the person starts out in DIV II OR I!!!). Someone who comes from a nation of 1012 active users and has no experience at all
(editorial: was going to use "whatsoever" there. Too long.) in playing within a smaller nation clearly wouldn't be someone who would be able to offer any valid opinion at all.
( edited by malice at 4/9/2012 7:38:33 PM - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan