Kyoto can be trying, we all know this. But we all also find a way to work with him adn include him because he is a very very valuable member of our community.
Dude... really?
And on the issue of the manager - when our NT discussion thread is titled "NEW COACH???? NO!!!", I think it speaks poorly of us as a community. So? He snapped at Kyoto/you... sheesh dude, it'd be a pretty small community if we kicked out everyone who gets sick of the two of you complaining about your players not seeing court time.
How about the two of you do what the rest of us do: if you have a question about your player, ask nicely and politely. Don't b*tch and moan about it.
I'm effin' disgusted that the two of you think that because your players don't get played, it's something personal and therefore you have the right to treat this forum as your own personal chewtoy.
Wolph? Toranaga? Have a spoonful of cement, wouldja? - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan