And how many times have NBA teams sunk their fortunes on a rookie who turned out to be a bust
Probably every one. But it is already the same here, how many teams haven't drafted a dud?
the market should take care of that.
The market doesn't take care of it. I don't think it makes sense but if you look carefully at an 18 year old MVP with a $6,000 starting salary and the same player a couple of years later after they have been trained properly they are still worth about the same.
I think the European bankers from Iceland, Ireland, Greece and Portugal that told us all to trust in the market would say you are correct.
The actual comparason is you can see every stat except this one. You can see how well they handle the ball under pressure in a turly objective way, how well they can rebound which is incredibly hard to quantify, but you can't see that they have been ejected from 47 games for fighting, fouled out of every match they ever were in, get injured three times a season and have a police record. Why?