I know I might be "outing" myself, but I usually only offer Tie-Deals if I´m going to play Tie anways. So even if my opponent denies the deal, it´s still a 85% probability that I´ll Tie the game, unless I really have a serious reason to expect him to crunch. In that case, I´ll try to convince my opponent to at least agree not to crunch simply by telling him I´m planning to tie nevertheless, unless I have him "up for something", in which case I´d play normal and leave him with the risk of STILL losing if crunching.
And I´m obviously only offering Tie-Deals when I´m the favourite for the game and if I´m having a solid chance of winning tie vs. normal or normal vs. CT.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 11/16/2011 8:18:47 PM
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