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The Quest for the Formulas (thread closed)

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46657.26 in reply to 46657.25
Date: 9/15/2008 1:27:05 PM
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Anyway I suspect that experience will improve the team's results not necessarily the team's specific ratings, and will have no impact at all on the individual ratings.
I'm not sure you're right here. The main problem is that there are so few players with high experience in a (my) team to try things out.

I've noticed that a player with high experience in the last minutes of the game take more shots than other players and make points more easily...but this is only in the last two minutes of the quarter

This Post:
46657.27 in reply to 46657.25
Date: 9/15/2008 4:52:06 PM
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A. Yes, I meant Excel. Sorry about that.
B. As for experience - of course, I am not sure as well. Just my thoughts.
: )
Best position according to rating: C. Title: PG

This player is now on the transfer list, so you can see for yourself:
Bruno Vilaboy (5140088) PG
His ratings are:
PG: 5.236; SG: 4.235; SF: 4.57; PF: 5.25; C: 5.39

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46657.28 in reply to 46657.27
Date: 9/19/2008 7:40:37 AM
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A player of mine changed from PG to PF after a training in jump shooting.

From: Rambo

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46657.29 in reply to 46657.28
Date: 9/19/2008 9:04:13 AM
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Indeed, JS has a higher correlation to PF salary calculations than to PG salary calculations. If you were to train JR, HN, DR, PA or OD for a week I would bet he would flip back to PG.

From: Thijs

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46657.31 in reply to 46657.30
Date: 9/19/2008 1:44:16 PM
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Rambo is right anyway: I have had a player change best position after een non pop training week, so even a raise in subskill can trigger a position change :)

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46657.32 in reply to 46657.30
Date: 9/19/2008 4:40:14 PM
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Nice. Did he pop by the way (I guess it's not necessary that he did)?
Otherwise Rambo is right.

In fact, last two weeks were very busy for my player, hehe.

week 1: PF
training: pressure -> pop in perimeter defense
week 2: PG
training : jump shooting -> no pops
week 3: PF

i'll mail you his abilities

From: Nico

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46657.36 in reply to 46657.35
Date: 10/27/2008 1:50:35 PM
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