@Nirman; there was no change, so there was no announcement.
There is reason that you attack only me, at a time that I say what everybody said before ?
Well that's kind of the point. Many posts I read coming from you are negative, and you keep on projecting your own opinion as the opinion of everyone. I'm getting tired of that.
Please don't get political here, it's useless to trow in 'the freedom of speech' here. There is just no point in saying 'yes' after there has been confirmed 'no' several times.
As you may have seen when you did read this thread, was that many people reported no changes as well. But you only seem to read the posts that fit your own opinion, that's why I made that post before.
There's nothing wrong in posting, dont get me wrong, and maybe my last post sounded a little though. But imo your posts are rather spamming than adding something valueable to the discussion. What exactly did you want to achieve with those posts? Another dozens of confirmations?
Note: I'm speaking as PatjeBono now, so ignore the GM there.
Last edited by BB-Patrick at 1/19/2009 2:53:49 PM