you have sung Tsunami up at every turn
This is WRONG
Hahaha... are you joking? Surely, not serious...
Dude, I don't think you can go five minutes - either here or on the game-chat - without talking about Tsunami. The fact that he's a major point of contention and has been mentioned within this thread more than any other 3 players combined should be enough.
Awesome, you love your guy. But c'mon already...
you absolutely did start it
This is wrong. (in regards to Tsunami debate, I did start this thread, but if you look it is as much about Taiyo as it is about BBking in teh beginning,)
Wolph? I think the thread title PROBABLY came before anything else. Just a guess.
And anyway, from your very first opening post:
We can't have this guy (BBKing) be coach.
Given the title of the NT thread (and it is a complete embarrassment that this has ended up being our NT thread), and your very start... ugh.
Do I think he's supercoach? Not really. But he's nowhere near as bad as you're making out. Smack? I really don't give a damn who he talks smack to or whatever (and please: no more talk of "bravado"). Beyond two managers being p*ssed that their players aren't getting minutes, I really don't think he's done an awful job.
Some perspective please. - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan