WOW, sounds like you have some nice players there!!!
Unfortunately for yo, you only pick 10th which is pretty bad considering there are only 16 teams. But there is still the chance that you are able to get your top pick. Good luck man :)
Ye i guess if you were committed to training a player for like 5 or 6 seasons you'd want him to have a higher potential so that he doesnt cap quickly. But for someone like you who already has 2 young trainable shooting guards and 1 trainable PF i would be looking for another PG, evevn if he doesn't meet your standards guards tend to sell for more and are normally in higher demand. Anyway in my first draft i had epic luck and drafted a C with respectbale/average for almost everything, starting salary of like 6k and allstar potential and so my first draft was awesome! And thus i hope you have similar luck :D
Just remember dont be disappointed and rash with your decisions to fire or sell players you draft you may come to regret the decision of not training or keeping them.