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BB Malaysia > Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

Season 13 draftees, attn U21 manager

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From: KwaiWah

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150167.27 in reply to 150167.25
Date: 7/8/2010 9:08:26 AM
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I thought you could sign them up for U21 to look at their stats and then kick them out?
From the news I see a lot of players being scouted by NT managers for their skillsets.

But I have limited experience on NT so you might want to share if there are certain limitations to this.

From: KwaiWah

This Post:
150167.29 in reply to 150167.28
Date: 7/9/2010 9:31:28 AM
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Wah! Muhamad Khalid bin Azali (15028179) is such a great SF! Great potential and ideal height for SF some more.

Although Driving is inept, but training One on One is the best training to increase lots of skills.
I particularly like his ID at respectable.

Definitely a great outside based SF.

But based on his last activity it looks like another 2 weeks before his team becomes a bot :(

Outside trainers, this guy is a keeper!

From: Ahmoi

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150167.30 in reply to 150167.28
Date: 7/9/2010 12:22:07 PM
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Are the following players (highlighted before) not good enough to be considered?


I know we can't put them all into U21. But I think the best of the best should be selected. But if you think the current players are the right choices, then so be it.

Just don't want us to miss out anything good, that's all.


From: Ahmoi
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150167.31 in reply to 150167.30
Date: 7/9/2010 12:33:15 PM
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On a side note, I think our Senior NT needs to start production on PFs as well as inside based SFs. It would be good if someone starts to train these players starting from this season onwards. We currently have good PFs, but they are not getting any better anymore. So, fresh blood is required.

My own criteria of good PF should have:

Primary Skills : JS, IS, ID, Reb
Secondary Skills : OD, Pass, Drv, SB

Inside based SF:

Primary Skills: OD, IS, ID, Reb
Secondary Skills: JS, Hnd, Drv, Pass, SB

If you can find anyone with the above potential, please help to train.

Thanks & cheers!

From: -CS

This Post:
150167.32 in reply to 150167.29
Date: 7/9/2010 8:23:51 PM
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agree with NOT for SF skill,
a great SF for me JS, IS, RB, JR, DR , OD atlease in average for trainee.

From: KwaiWah
This Post:
150167.33 in reply to 150167.30
Date: 7/10/2010 12:23:47 AM
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1. This activity of putting 18yo players into U21 is actually for homeless kids. Homeless kids are players whose team manager has been inactive for over a week and will be lost when the team become bot. So we are enlisting specific players (hopefully with trainers defined) into U21 team so that when the team becomes bot, these players will automatically be enlisted into the market (and hopefully transferred to the defined trainer). These players will not be playing the NT games at all for Season 13. The list I shared are the list of all the players which meets the criteria below:
Age: 18yo
Potential: min Allstar
Salary: min $3,500
Last active: Before 28 June

2. Your list below is still a good list for trainers to be aware of other 18yo players who are also potential NT players. For these players, the trainer can BBmail the manager directly to see if the player can be transferred into their team. Cause these players are all from active managers who are able to reply their BBMail. So there is no need for TerFu to enlist these players into U21 team until they are really good enough to be a starter or backup.

3. I am very interested to know how you managed to scout player 15028359 who is now under a Philippines manager. As an NT manager are you able to view all Malaysian players that are overseas? Or were you tracking this player when he was scouted by Tony#9.

(15028238) - active local manager (Potential only Star)
(15028359) - active Philippines manager (Potential only starter)
(15028407) - active local manager (Potential Allstar)
(15028360) - local manager last activity 2 July (Potential Allstar)
(15028155) - active local manager (Potential Perennial Allstar)
(15028204) - active local manager (Potential MVP)
(15028464) - active local manager (Potential MVP)
(15028411) - active local manager (Potential Superstar)
(15028408) - active local manager (Potential only star)
(15028473) - active local manager (Potential HoF)
(15028346) - active local manager (Potential Allstars)
(15028157) - active local manager (Potential Perennial Allstar)
(15028356) - active local manager (Potential HoF)

To other Malaysia managers,
From the mesages from the past few days, quite a fair number of good potential players are shared but no feedback on interested managers. It will be good if managers interested to train local 18 year old players voice up their interest and share what criteria they have to fit their training regime. From there, we can try and see how we can help.
Heck, we can even keep an eye out on the market if there is a local player that fits your criteria.

If there is really no trainer, then I really don't want to spend my time scouting for nobody

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/10/2010 12:25:14 AM

This Post:
150167.34 in reply to 150167.33
Date: 7/10/2010 1:54:35 AM
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Wow, bravo to all of you.I cant have much time to contribute a lot here. But i'm training outside players.

Im planning to train one position (SG/SF) from next season onwards only. Hope that time you guys can still help to list down the homeless kid so that i can recruit them in my team as i dun think my draft can get a good 1...thanks ya.

While now i'm training 2 positions to improve my overall team strength.

From: Sparkle
This Post:
150167.35 in reply to 150167.34
Date: 7/10/2010 3:53:27 AM
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I'm still tied down with my 2 current trainees, with an open training slot only available next season.
However, I may be able to squeeze out a slot this season if things get desperate. His training won't be optimal though, and the slot will only be available near the AllStar Week. Looks like we are not facing a shortage of supply, but a shortage of demand.

From: Ahmoi

This Post:
150167.36 in reply to 150167.33
Date: 7/10/2010 4:03:07 AM
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Kwaiwah, thanks for clarifying.

I thought most of the players I listed was from inactive teams. Hopefully the active owners will agree to release them if they are not interested to train.

As for 15028359 (Muhd bin Rabin), he is scouted when he is still with Tony#9 and the scouting is by the usual painstaking way of going through the Div 2 (4 of them) ans Div 3 (16 of them) draft results. This season, I was a bit lazy, so it was done almost randomly by selectively clicking the draftees. I may have missed out some big fishes, though. Anyone can spot a 6-7K kid still unnoticed?

From: KwaiWah

This Post:
150167.37 in reply to 150167.35
Date: 7/10/2010 9:13:08 AM
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Looks like we are not facing a shortage of supply, but a shortage of demand.

Sad but true.
If only we had this project initiated 2 seasons ago. I was looking for 3 outside trainees and had saved up money to do so.
Now I am already training 3 foreign trainees and will most likely still be training these 3 at least for the next 2 seasons (Up to Season 15)

So maybe our focus has been wrong to begin with. Instead of looking for local trainees we should be looking for trainers instead :p

If I were to target a few teams to ask to be Malaysia trainers, it will definitely be teams in the middle tier.
What I mean is, BB Malaysia is currently roughly divided into 3 tiers (Valid for Season 13 only):
Tier 1: Each of teams' top 3 players are above $30K salary
Tier 2: Each of teams' top 3 players are above $15K salary
Tier 3: Each of teams' top 3 players are below $15K salary

Tier 1
Teams from Tier 1 definitely have the money but these teams are mostly in MBBA and to manage training minutes for an 18yo will be very hard especially with competition so tight. They have the financial means but will unlikely to field the trainees as starter as it will risk their game

Tier 2
Teams from Tier 2 also have money and they are mostly teams that tend to always be the top teams of Div II (or bottom teams in MBBA). These teams don't need to juggle their players much as they don't have much competition (or much chance to win).

Tier 3
Teams from Tier 3 are direly needing trainees but usually don't have an Arena size above 8K and cannot sustain a level 5 trainer. Plus, they do not have the means to buy the trainees they really want from the transfer market. Tier 3 can still be NT trainers from draft or their initial roster.

So here are some Tier 2 teams. Hopefully our U21 NT Coach can send them a BB Mail to see if they will be interested to train the next U21 player (in case they don't frequent our forums).
Teluk Kechai Superchefs (MBBA)
The Great Adidas (MBBA)
疯人打球 (MBBA)
Tony#9 (MBBA)
come OWN me (Div II.1)
Bang Balls (Div II.1)
Sibu Swat (Div II.2)
Yamcatlou (Div II.3)
Amrinz Boolarz (Div II.4)*
penang celtic (Div II.4)*
sarawakHotShot (Div II.4)*
Schwarze Armee (Div II.4)*
18MiRAGE (Div II.4)*

*Looks like stiff competition in Div II.4 :p

Last edited by KwaiWah at 7/10/2010 9:40:57 AM
