What would be the difference if you stopped fouling intentionally if you are losing anyway?
Point difference for league standings
If my players continue to foul I get at least the chance to injure one of the opponents players, that would be a great satisfaction for me and make the loss less painful.
Sorry man,I don't understand your way to think the game.
Sometimes you might even get some miracle situations where you foul a player he misses both free throws you make a three, same on the next posession and the outcome of the game is still open - I think it does not hurt to commit some "useless" fouls, so why do we need to fix this?
If you read well my message,I just said the same thing;sistematic foul should be more flexible,if you go down by 7 or 8 your coach should stop sistematic foul unless you partially close the gap(-4,-5,-6) to make reasonable again this tactic
And it should work differently for single-elimination games(PO,Cup and B3) when your team however had to continue with sistematic foul because you don't have to care about point differential